FISHING competitions, bat spotting and live music are just a few of the activities on offer this summer to celebrate Darlingtons parklife.

Council countryside offers have launched a summer events programme which include educational, arts and sporting activities.

The programme will be officially unveiled on Thursday at an open day at Maidendale Nature Reserve during the half-term week.

The open day, from 12noon to 3pm, will offer parents the chance to entertain their children during the school break.

It will include a range of arts and crafts and a chance for youngsters to try their hand at fishing. Expert tuition will be provided on the reserve ponds from the Maidendale Rangers group.

The summer programme includes more than 20 different events which will provided in the towns park and green spaces until the autumn.

Councillor Stephen Harker, cabinet member for health and leisure, said: "The Darlington countryside events programme tells the public exactly what is happening in our many parks and green spaces over the next few months.

"The Maidendale Open Day is just one of many fantastic days out were organising over the summer. "The aim is to get as many people as possible out and about enjoying themselves.

"And with some first class events, many of them free, there really is no excuse for not making the most of what is on your doorstep."

Some other highlights from the Darlington Countryside Events programme include:

* Maidendale Fishing Competition, an Under 16s fishing competition, on Saturday, May 30.

* West Park Activity Day with flag making and live music on Sunday, July 5.

* Darlington Community Walk in Springfield Park on Sunday, July 23.

* Batty About Bats at the Denes on Sunday, August 30.

Earlier this month was the annual John Wade Family Fun Day in South Park. The event raised £200 which was yesterday donated to the mayors charitable fund.

Darlington has 16 parks and ten Local Nature Reserves making it the greenest urban area of its size in the North East of England.

The council was awarded a coveted beacon status last year for its work on green spaces. It also recently launched Perfectly Placed campaign to highlight the town's green areas.

For more information about the countryside events programme, see the tourist information centre, the council website or contact 01325-383099.