WORKERS employed in the entertainment industry have been given hearing tests during a health and safety drive.

Darlington Borough Council has offered the tests as part of a project to reduce exposure to excessive noise in music and entertainment workplaces.

Officers from the environmental health team visited venues with noise meters to assess sound levels.

Results of the tests showed where employers were exposed to higher levels of noise which could be detrimental to their health.

NHS Darlington provided funding for free hearing tests given to some staff.

The results of the tests showed that some employees have problems with their hearing, which may be because of work or hobbies.

Those with hearing problems have been given additional advice and referred to their doctor for further investigation.

Repeat tests will be carried out in 12 months time to identify any deterioration in hearing because of work problems. Officers will also continue to work with employers to help them meet their obligations to protect staff from noise levels.

Councillor Stephen Harker, cabinet member for health and leisure, said: "The council's enforcement officers are actively working with a number of businesses which are committed to achieving compliance with the legislation and protect the health of the public and employees.

"I hope that all businesses will recognise their obligations and take voluntary action to prevent exposure to excessive noise."

Darlington Borough Council is an enforcement authority for the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and is responsible for more than 2,000 premises in total.