MEMBERS of the public have just over a week to comment on council plans to take over enforcement of illegal on-street parking.

Darlington Borough Council is vying for the right to fine drivers who leave their cars on double yellow lines.

The powers are held by the police, but local authorities can take on the duty instead by applying for permission from the Government.

The council is now hoping the Department of Transport will approve the bid to take on Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) across the borough.

If permission is granted, council wardens will then be able to issue fines to anyone parking illegally.

David Lyonette, the authority's cabinet member for transport, said the move would cut congestion in the town centre and stop inconsiderate motorists.

"There is still time for people to have their say about the introduction of CPE in Darlington," he said.

"The transfer of powers to the council will enable us to fine those drivers who park illegally or dangerously and will benefit all responsible road users.

"We want to hear about parking hotspots in the town as well as specific problems residents face whether driving, as a pedestrian or a bus passenger."

At a cabinet meeting in January, council leader John Williams warned that the change-over was needed because drivers had recently begun to park on double yellow lines with impunity.

Public consultation over the plans ends on May 7, and residents are urged to get in touch with the council with any comments before the deadline.

Views will be included in the council's application to the government.

Residents are also asked for their thoughts on the authority's Parking Strategy - the long term plan for parking rules and restrictions over the next decade.

Both documents can be read on-line at or a copy can be viewed at the town hall and Customer Contact Centre.

For more information, call the council on 01325-388799.