SPORTING teenagers have set their college record for the number of finalists at a national sport finals.

A record 38 students from Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, in Darlington, will compete at the British Colleges' national sport finals at Loughborough University.

They have won places at the event having won their respective regional finals in ten events across eight different sports. They are badminton, rugby, netball, golf, swimming, trampolining, table tennis and cross country.

The team has received funding from the mayors charity to help them compete at the finals, which will be attended by 2,500 teenagers.

College vice principal Anita Blackburn said: "We are really grateful for sponsorship from the mayor's charity fund.

"This generous support has enabled all the college competitors to have representative kit and it has given them a great boost.

"They will wear their Darlington tee shirts with pride and will, I am sure, be a credit to the town."