YOUNG detectives helped police to unravel a crime scene in their school grounds as part of a creative writing course.

The Federation of Abbey Schools, in Abbey Road, Darlington, invited police teams and forensic officers to the school this week to set up a crime scene.

A camp was assembled at the school overnight complete with police tape and special officers on scene when pupils arrived.

Head teacher George Ford held a special assembly to explain the day and ask pupils to help police with their inquiries.

Children dreamed up with a range of vivid explanations for the police teams, which including an officer protecting the scene and two men in forensic suits. One used talcum powder to dust for clues.

Pupils are taking part in creative writing courses throughout the week. They have designed wanted posters and missing persons posters as well as written newspaper reports and stories to go along with the activity.

Teacher Vicky Folkes, who arranged the day, said: "It started as a way to be more creative with the curriculum.

"We wanted a literacy day that created a stimulus for the children. We decided on an abandoned camp with certain artefacts on the camp.

"It was an open-ended day for the children to come up with their own ideas. They really enjoyed it. And the police were brilliant too."