A RENOWNED North-East choir is to perform a piece of classical music to celebrate the 200th anniversary of a famous composer.

The concert, which is open to the public, will be recorded and sent to the BBC in the hope that it will be included in a programme to mark 200 years since the birth of Mendelssohn.

The Carol Andrews Singers will be performing Mendelssohn's Hear My Prayer, as well as Verdi's Stabart Mater and Haydn's Nelson Mass.

The concert is on Saturday (april25) at St Cuthbert's Church in Darlington market place at 7.30pm.

BBC Radio 3 has asked choirs to mark the 200th anniversary of Mendelssohn's birth by performing Hear My Prayer.

At the concert Hear My Prayer will be recorded and the recording submitted to the BBC for inclusion in the programme The Choir.

Tickets for the concert cost £7 and include a glass of wine.

They are available from the church office or Hyda Hopper 01325-460999 or at the door.