CANCER sufferers in Darlington have received a boost thanks to the efforts of local fundraisers.

Officials from Darlington Round Table presented Macmillan Cancer Support with a cheque for £1,000 from donations collected from Santa's Christmas sleigh, which hitches a lift every year with Vauxhall dealer Sherwoods.

Chairman of Darlington Round Table David Robertson said: "Macmillan is a charity very close to many of our hearts as many of us know someone who has died from this terrible disease.

"Those suffering receive tremendous support from Macmillan and this is our chance to give something back."

Macmillan Cancer Support relies solely on donations and in the past year has helped more than 323 people across County Durham and Darlington with grants totalling £116,000.

Fundraising manager Michelle Muir said the money would be used for patients in the Darlington area.

"Donations like this are invaluable in helping towards travelling expenses to and from hospital for cancer patients or for ensuring they have enough money to pay heating, lighting and food bills if they have lost their income through cancer,” she said. “Donations like this really are lifesaving in many ways."