CASH strapped households could be given a helping hand if proposals to halve a rent increase for council tenants are approved next week.

Darlington Borough Council's Cabinet is recommended to approve proposals to cut average weekly rent increases from 6.02 per cent - £3.21 - to 2.98 per cent - £1.59.

The move is aimed to help cash strapped tenants who are struggling as a result of the global financial crisis.

The council reviewed its rents for the 2009/10 financial year in February, agreeing an average weekly rent increase of 6.02 per cent, in line with Government guidelines.

But in March, the Communities and Local Government (CLG) wrote to the council outlining proposals for reducing the national average guidelines The CLG is to compensate the council for loss of income as part of the proposals.

Now, the council's cabinet is recommended to approve the reduced rent increase when it meets on Tuesday(28).

Bill Dixon, cabinet member for neighbourhood services and community safety said: "The cuts we are proposing to this year's rent increases will, I hope, go some way to easing the financial burden on our tenants, many of whom will be feeling the strain as a result of the current economic situation.”

If the proposals are approved, letters will be sent to all council tenants outlining their new rent increases. Tenants should continue to pay their rent until they are notified of any changes.

Anyone council tenants struggling to pay rent should contact the council on 01325-388542.