COMEDY NIGHT: The Funny Bones Comedy Club is held at The Forum Music Centre, Borough Road, Darlington, on Saturday May 2 at 7.45pm. Tickets cost £10. Call 01325-363135.

HEALTH TALKS: Darlington Borough Council's health and wellbeing scrutiny committee is held at the Board Room, NHS Darlington, Dr Piper House, Darlington, today at 9.30am.

FOLK SHOW: Folk singer Jez Lowe plays at Darlington Arts Centre on Thursday April 23 at 8pm. Tickets cost 6 from 01325-486555.

CHURCH DATE: St Herberts Church, at Albatross Way, Darlington, hosts a collectors' and hobbies afternoon on Saturday April 25th at 2pm. Refreshments and raffle will be available. Entry is free. Anyone interested in taking part is asked to call 01325-382860.