A TEENAGER was robbed at knife point by three assailants whose faces were concealed by hooded tops, baseball caps and scarves.

The 19-year-old man was confronted by the three hooded men underneath a railway bridge between Whessoe Road and Hopetown Lane, in Darlington, on Saturday, April 18, at 7.10pm.

The three men were carrying knives but police were keen to stress that no attack took place.

They stole a small amount of cash and a number of lottery tickets in the robbery.

After taking the money and tickets, they ran off along Whessoe Road in the direction of Longfield Road.

A police spokesman said: "We are extremely interested in any information relating to the identity of those responsible and would like to stress that incidents of this nature are very rare in the Darlington area."

The teenager was unable to describe any of his attackers because their faces were concealed by scarves. They were also wearing hooded tops and baseball caps.

Anyone with any information should contact PC Steve Purchase on 0345-60-60-365.