A REFURBISHMENT project at a free advice service was unveiled yesterday by Darlington's MP Alan Milburn.

The town's Citizens Advice Bureau in the marketplace has undergone a complete revamp, which received Mr Milburns seal of approval at its opening.

Features include a new automatic entrance in Bull Wynd to replace a steep flight of steps at the front of the building, and work inside the building.

It has a new reception and waiting area and extra interview rooms have been installed.

The bureau is also running a new trial system which workers hope will enable them to see more clients. People are given a ten minute "gateway" interview to determine the appropriate action.

The bureau has recruited 15 newly qualified advisers, the largest single intake in its history.

Government funding of £40,000 has also allowed the opening hours to be extended to 8pm on Wednesday and 2pm on Thursday because of the present economic crisis.

The Big Lottery has also awarded £479,000 for a joint project with Age Concern and Darlington Borough Council's welfare rights unit to develop a wider network of advice providers across the town.

Mike Hill, bureau chief executive, said: "We have more volunteers and paid staff and more outreach posts than ever before.

"Access to good and timely advice can have a real effect on people's happiness and well-being, as well as on their economic state.

"A visit to the bureau can be a vital first step for many in regaining control of their lives."