A COMMUNITY space in a Darlington estate could be revamped with £58,000 worth of new sporting facilities.

Plans have been announced to transform the centre of Red Hall with a new floodlit multi-use games area which can be used to host football, tennis and basketball matches.

Community leaders hope the new facility, at Headingley Crescent, will offer local youngsters something to do, and reduce anti-social behaviour.

Nigel Potter, operation manager for community regeneration group Groundwork, which drew up the plans with Darlington Borough Council and the Red Hall Community Partnership, said the idea first took root 18 moths ago.

"We started working with a group of young people to find out what their community needed, and this is what they came up with," said Mr Potter.

"We picked this area because it was the best and safest place for young people.

"It will be a free access facility for children and young people. They won't need to book it, and it will be open all the time. They just turn up, and play.

"Young people we have spoken to are really positive about this."

It is hoped that the work will be finished by the end of the year. Funding is to be provided through the council's Local Area Agreement scheme, and an application for further grants is to be made to the Football Foundation.

A planning application has been submitted to planners at the town hall.

The application states: "The site is currently an open community space used primarily by Red Hall residents and consists of separate junior and senior areas which are fenced and fixed goals used for a kick-about.

"The proposal aims to make better use of this space by installing a multi-use games area with flood lighting as requested by local residents.

"Consultation shows that residents are happy with the appearance of the multi-use games area and will be pleased that the junior play area will be replaced with up to date equipment."

Darlington Borough Council has pledged to maintain and carry out regular inspections at the site.

Sarah Small, play co-ordinator at Red Hall Community Partnership, said: "These facilities will definitely be well used.

"Young people are really looking forward to this opening."

The application will be considered by the council's planning office in the coming weeks.