OFFENDERS have been helping to clean up countryside around the Borough.

The work was carried out as part of the community part of the offenders' sentences, which require them to do unpaid work.

They worked with the Darlington Borough Council's countryside team on environmental projects.

They cleared public footpaths, removed leaves from Cemetery Lane, cut back vegetation, cleared out ditches and picked litter from the track bed of the former Stockton to Darlington Railway in Middleton St George.

The work is being carried out as part of an on-going partnership between County Durham Probation Service and the council.

Nigel Strike from the Probation Service said: "As well as giving something back to the community, the work has helped the offenders learn some basic skills and adopt a work ethic.

"We have a long history of working with the council on projects like this which allow the offenders to pay back the community by carrying out useful work."

Bill Dixon, the council's cabinet member for neighbourhood services and community safety, said: "There has been a great amount of work done and I am glad that we are continuing to work with the probation service on projects like this which benefit both the local community and those carrying out the work.

"I am sure residents and visitors to the areas where this work has been carried out will appreciate what has been achieved by our countryside team and these workers."