TRADERS at the "manic" Darlington Market have bound together amid the coronavirus crisis to offer customers discounts and home delivery.

The traders, who have direct contact with their local supply bases, are continuing to offer fresh food and produce, as well as dry and packaged goods, which have been vanishing from larger chain supermarkets due to panic buying.

Clare Fenwick, from Fenwick's Butchers and Deli, which is offering delivery on orders over £20, said: "As long as our supply chain keeps coming through, we will only get better at managing the situation."

People are also panic buying meat to freeze, Mrs Fenwick, who describes the situation as "worse than Christmas" and "manic" said, and understands this will soon settle.

But traders across the market are offering doorstep deliveries and family packages for those who cannot purchase in-store.

"It’s been manic, really busy. Busier than Christmas. But at least for Christmas we have time to plan and have a strategy in place for home deliveries and staffing.

"My head is spinning with people’s messages because there are so many different things to meat, like the cut and weight, and only then can we price it.

"Our suppliers cannot keep up. I’m trying to help people with alternatives to what they would normally buy."

While Mrs Fenwick "doesn't want to alarm people", she also wants to spread the word and ensure vulnerable people have access to the produce they need.

Noting "trying to say positive", she added: "This is making people value the town centre more and remember they can get food elsewhere than supermarkets. We’re trying to be positive in these crazy times."

Also describing the situation as "manic" and offering free local delivery, Craig Shields from Craig Shields' Fruit and Veg said "all hands are on deck" at his family-run stall.

He said: "Why are we doing this? So we can help the community during this time.

"We're doing what we can because there are going to be a lot of people in isolation. We just wanted to help them."

Mr Shield said he was taking precautions like dropping produce on the doorstep and taking bank transfers.

While concerns over food appear widespread, also supporting the community in isolation is crafts store Sew Fabrics, which is offering postal items and deliveries over the weekend.

Owner Amanda Metcalfe, whose mum is at "bored", and unable to visit her dad who is in a care home, said: "A lot of people are going to be stuck in the house with nothing to do but it is a perfect time for them to get into crafts, and it takes away stress.

"There is lots to do without having to sew, we have all sorts of fabrics and crafts.

"It is quite hard for my mum. She has nothing to do and can't have visitors due to being in the vulnerable group.

"That’s why we’re doing deliveries, we do not want people to sit at home with nothing to do but consume things about the virus.

"We’re trying to help as much as we can."

Darlington Market remains open, with Mrs Fenwick adding "if the market is open, we are open", traders continue to offer additional services to help those isolating or socially distancing. However, due to the nature of the virus, the situation may change.

Here are the different stores offering additional services and their contact numbers:

•Fenwick’s Family Butcher – free local delivery over £20 – 01325 288428

•Mulholland’s Butchers – free local delivery over £10 – 01325 381091

•David Jackson Family Butcher – offering delivery to vulnerable customers – 01325 488314

•Craig Shields' Fruit and Vegetables – free local delivery – 07949 225143

•The Savoury – delivery of their savouries to different areas of the town each day – 07791 096039

•The Loft – free deliveries of their menu within the town centre – 01325 488998

•Sew Fabrics – will post out supplies and local deliveries are available on Saturday – 07939 475716

•The Record Shed – will post out CD’s, DVD’s and vinyls to customers – 07941 011173