DARLINGTON'S Cornmill shopping centre is hosting a ‘Cuppa with a Copper’ event on Monday morning.

The event, in partnership with Age UK North Yorkshire, Esquires Coffee and Darlington Carers, is an informal meet-up to raise awareness of loneliness and help promote friendship amongst the older community.

At the same time it also provides an encouraging platform for people to talk with their local PCSOs about any police related issues.

It runs from 10am until noon on the upper mall at the centre and Esquires Coffee have generously supplied tea and coffee refreshments for the event.

Sergeant Matt Plumb said: “Darlington Neighbourhood Policing Team are pleased to be working in partnership with the Cornmill, giving members of the public a chance to have a cuppa with the police and discuss any issues that they may worried about in their area or get crime prevention advice."