FIREFIGHTERS, police officers and the Blood Bikes service were in Darlington town centre at the weekend as part of a special event.

And members of the public got the chance to have a behind-the-scenes look at the town's CCTV control room on a series of tours.

They could also meet the new community safety team, which has been created by Darlington Borough Council to help the fight against fly-tipping, littering and anti-social behaviour across the town, as part of the Celebrate Our Services Day in the Market Place and Dolphin Centre on Sunday.

Durham Constabulary and County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service were there to meet the public along with registered charity the Blood Bikes, which delivers essential blood and urgent medical supplies, out of hours.

The new community safety team aims to prevent and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour as well as provide reassurance and make the town cleaner and greener and brings together CCTV operators, trading standards, licensing and community engagement while a new civic enforcement service merges three, previously separate functions – environmental crime, parking and anti-social behaviour.

The new team was officially launched this week at a special ceremony in the Dolphin Centre main hall attended by representatives from key partner organisations and local community groups including police, fire, Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner and One Darlington Partnership.