RESIDENTS in Darlington took to the streets yesterday, to tackle the problem of litter.

Volunteers joined staff from Darlington Borough Council's Street Scene, Park East Community Partnership and environmental charity Groundwork to clear rubbish in Skerne Park.

They focused on the Poets' Corner area of the estate, which residents have highlighted as in need of a litter pick.

Cleaning up litter and broken glass from the area was one of the main issues highlighted last week, when council and police chiefs spoke to residents on an estate walkabout.

Councillor Bill Dixon, cabinet member for neighbourhood services and community safety, said: "The response to the walkabout last week was great and the issue of litter in Poets' Corner was raised by several people in the area.

"The litter pick is a good way of tackling the problems, encouraging community spirit and giving local people the chance to tell us about other issues affecting the area."

The event was part of Darlington Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership's Street Safe Action Week, which is aiming to cut criminal activity, reduce environmental problems and offer activities for young people.