RESIDENTS in Park East have given police, the fire brigade, and the council a long list of demands for their ward's action week.

A community survey and walk-about with police found prime concerns were youths drinking, vehicle damage, and graffiti.

The action week is intended to crackdown on crime and anti- social behaviour, tidy up the area, and provide activities for youngsters.

Police and other agencies will use the surveys to target their activity during the week, which lasts until Sunday.

Council wardens have been asked to look at fly-tipping at Quakers Lane and George Street, and youths drinking at South Park.

Darlington Borough Council's Street Scene team - responsible for the town's maintenance - has been asked to look at the cut at Poet's Corner, including cutting weeds and removing litter.

The fire brigade has been asked to combat arson attacks in South Park.

Action week activities today include high visibility foot patrols by council wardens.