A MAN assaulted two others because they called him a "charver", a court heard yesterday.

Gavin Robert McCallum, 20, from Tom Raine Court, Darlington, got into an argument in Newton Aycliffe with a group of men walking home at 10pm on Saturday, September 28, last year.

McCallum and his friends attacked the other group after they were called "charvers".

Peter Smith, prosecuting, said one of the victims suffered punches and kicks to the head and body.

Another suffered a cut lip, swollen nose, and bruising.

When McCallum was first interviewed by police, he denied the allegation, Mr Smith said.

But, after his brother admitted his part in the attack, McCallum admitted a limited role, including pushing and tripping.

"He was answering the allegation of being called a charver," said Mr Smith.

McCallum, who represented himself, made no comment. He pleaded guilty to two counts of assault at a previous hearing.

Magistrates imposed an 18-month community order, with supervision. He was made to pay £50 compensation to each victim, and £50 costs.