A CHARITY fundraiser has taken on an extreme challenge to raise funds for autism support charity Daisy Chain.

Jason Hartigan, a former member of the parachute regiment, wanted to do something special to celebrate his fiftieth birthday and decided to relive his youth as well as raise funds for Daisy Chain.

Now a business development sales manager, the Darlington man has long been a corporate supporter of the Stockton charity, and after three Great North Runs he decided he wanted to give his knees a rest and do something different.

"I loved it," he said. "I didn’t really know what to expect. I was apprehensive, a bit anxious but I have to say the course was run very professionally by Roy Mobsby, a former Paratrooper jumps and operations co-ordinator.

"I was totally blown away by the experience and by the great support from my wife, family and close friends as well as work colleagues, local businesses, and my local Aikido club who all helped raise funds for Daisy Chain.

"It was an amazing feeling to take that step back in time and feel the camaraderie. I was the only British person on the course, the rest were from Poland so the jokes didn’t always translate but there was great enthusiasm for the sport they loved. We had one barn roof and two tree landing but everyone completed their five jumps. We also got the opportunity to pay our respects at the Arnhem war graves and the Airborne museum."

Stuart Dexter, the charity's chief executive, said: "It’s great to see people can combine achieving something which is really important while raising funds at the same time. Our thanks to Jason for raising over £500 for us to support families affected by autism. I hope others are inspired by his creativity and can see how fundraising can be adventurous and action-packed."