THE number of complaints about Darlington Borough Council's adult social services team has fallen by almost half.

Last year saw 32 complaints, compared to 57 in 2005/06.

There was also a drop in the number of compliments - down from 108 on the previous year to 78 in the last year.

Adult social services is the council department which helps, among others, elderly people, carers, and people with physical or mental disability.

Of the 32 complaints, 23 - 72 per cent - were upheld. Five were dismissed, and one was partly upheld. Three are still outstanding.

Just over 15 per cent of the complaints required an investigation.

In total, six were about the community care assessment team, and five about the finance team. The others were spread among other teams.

Of the complainants, all were British and female. Half were over 75 years, with half between 50 and 59.

Of the compliments, 30 were about service quality, 19 about staff members, and 27 about performance. All compliments are acknowledged by sending a postcard, thanking people for their comments.

The figures were released in an annual report to be considered by the council's health and well being scrutiny committee in their meeting at Oban Court, Whinbush Way, at 1.30pm today.