A COMMUNITY group behind the revamp of a Darlington park is looking for help with restoration work.

The Friends of North Park need photographs of the green's Victorian bandstand in its original state, so the feature can be repaired and decorated in a historically accurate style.

"We're hoping we can get some photos of what the bandstand looked like when it first opened in 1896," said Friends' secretary Tina Jones.

"It needs a bit of work to knock it into shape and we would like it to look as much like it did originally as possible."

The park was opened by Alderman Thomas Taylor Sedgewick on May 16, 1896. The group would also like to track down an engraved silver key, which was presented to Alderman Sedgewick to commemorate the event.

"The key is believed to be in a private collection," said Mrs Jones.

"We would love to have a look at it and take a photo for our archives if possible."

Call Mrs Jones with information on 01325-481737.