A WRITING and photography competition for Darlington residents is still looking for entrants.

The top prize in the writing competition is a digital camera, with a second prize of £50 in shopping vouchers. Entrants have to write a poem, postcard, or letter about what they want life to be like in Darlington in the year 2020.

The top prize for the photo competition is shopping vouchers worth £100, with £50 worth for the runner-up. Pictures must say what is good in Darlington, and what could be better.

Permission must be obtained from anyone featured in the photo, and written consent from the parent or guardian of anyone under 18.

Entries should be sent to Kelly Shovelin at Community Partnerships, 13 Horsemarket, Darlington, DL1 5PW. Competition deadline is September 14. For more information, visit www.darling ton.gov.uk/scs