YOUNG skaters in Darlington are being invited to have their say about facilities in the town.

Darlington Borough Council's youth service has helped a group of young people form a Skaters' Network, which has its first meeting this weekend.

It was formed after the Sk8 Jam event outside the town hall, which gave young boarders and bladers the chance to talk to the council about the recent by-law that bans skating in the town centre.

More than 50 young people expressed an interest in joining the network and the council hopes that many of them will attend the first meeting, on Saturday.

Chris McEwan, the council's cabinet member for children's services, said: "We want to hear young people's views and will do everything we can to accommodate their ideas.

"Once the network is fully established, I am very keen to come along to meet its members."

Members of the youth service and representatives of Groundwork, the environmental regeneration charity, will be at the meeting to talk about venues for skaters in the borough.

They want to know what facilities young people want in the areas where they live and how existing sites can be improved.

The young people will also be asked for their views on the by-law and how it has affected their enjoyment of their hobby.

The meeting will be held at Darlington Arts Centre, between 11am and 1pm, on Saturday.

For more information, call 01325-346296.