THE canine carers of an inquisitive eight-year-old Jack Russell are appealing for a family experienced with terrier breeds to give her a new home.

Zeva, who is currently living in kennels at Dogs Trust Darlington’s Sadberge base, likes to keep active and being around human companions.

A spokesman for the rehoming centre said: “Zeva loves to climb and if she thinks there is something interesting happening on the other side of a fence she’ll do her best to hop over for a look.

“This means she will need a fully secure high fence around the garden so that she can explore and play safely.

“Zeva loves attention and needs a home where someone will be around most of the day and who will let her sleep upstairs.”

Dogs Trust Darlington, at Hill House Farm, Hill House Lane, Sadberge, is open from Thursday to Tuesday, between noon and 4pm.

For more information on Zeva or other dogs in need, visit or call 01325-333114.