AN event designed to get business "thriving" in Darlington will take place for the first time next week.

The town’s first ever business week will take place from Monday, September 18 to Friday, September 22.

Cyber crime, data protection, developing a business using modern technology, as well as practical advice and information on how to set up networks and online sales and marketing, are amongst the workshops on offer.

Events will also showcase how traditional businesses are using technology to become more efficient and profitable and will include relevant case studies.

John Anderson, Darlington Borough Council’s assistant director for economic initiatives, the schedule will include more than 20 free events and activities.

"We see the event as making a statement - it is a way to shout about Darlington as a fantastic business location.

"By putting a week of events on, we can highlight the vast range of business support available for companies, from start-up to large organisations, and show potential inward investors what support would be available to them," he added.

Councillor Chris McEwan, Darlington Borough Council’s cabinet member for economy and marketing said: “Digital technology is advancing at an alarming rate and businesses must keep up to date if they want to develop and remain competitive.

"As the old traditional metal filing cabinets hit the scrap heap, businesses are becoming more and more reliant on digital technology to store commercial information and to carry out day to day business, laying themselves open to the potential problem of a cyber attack and other issues around data protection.

“These workshops cover a wide range of work areas under the digital umbrella and will be useful to new and established businesses," he added.

Mr Anderson added: "We are creating a location for businesses to thrive in Darlington and get new businesses to come here too.

“We don’t run a business but we are focused on creating business conditions and what we can do is manage land, sites and infrastructure.

“We are actively trying to get businesses in and get inward investment into the borough."

The event will showcase practical demonstrations across a number of sectors lined up to give teenagers a feel for their future careers and the abilities and temperament employers want in their workforce

A jobs fair will also be held, aimed at Darlington’s eight secondary schools, with businesses attending all recruiting apprentices for next summer.

"We’ve also got activities that highlight future careers in engineering and there will be the chance to find out more about, and get involved in, Experience Darlington, which is the new visitor strategy for the borough," said Mr Anderson.

Places on the workshops are free and can be booked by visiting

For more information on Darlington Business Week, call 01325 406305 or email