STAFF from Northumbrian Water were on the streets of Darlington looking for random acts of kindness in preparation of its ‘Go ahead…Make My Day!” campaign.

Leading up this year's customer service week in October, the firm has introduced its ‘pay forward’ plan, where people living within the North East can nominate people who they believe deserves to have their day made.

Claire Allan, an employment communications business partner with Northumbrian Water, and her team were out in the Darlington town centre with their campaign bus.

She said: “People are always a bit suspicious when we approach them but there's no catch it really is free. Whether its making a dogs day and giving them a bowl of water or handing someone a sweet, just to give back to the local community.”

Nominations can be made by visiting and it could be anything. “If we have to help painting walls, tidying gardens, or something as simple as litter picking”, said Ms Allan.

Whether it's a family member or charity shop, anyone can be nominated between now and September 12.