A COUPLE raised more than £1,500 for cancer charities just days after losing their own nephew to the disease.

Darlington funeral directors John and Julie Whitehouse recently completed a six hour moonlight trek up Mount Snowdon, undertaken in the hope of raising money for Macmillan Cancer Care.

Sadly, their nephew lost his life to cancer ten days after the couple had managed to raise over £1,500.

Sean Archer had been battling cancer for three years and was told his illness was terminal last Christmas, with doctors telling him he would live for just a matter of weeks into the new year.

The 28-year-old, who was born in Darlington, battled for another eight months at St Ann's Hospice in Manchester before dying in August.

Following a service of celebration in Manchester, Mr Archer was brought home to Darlington, where he was cremated following a service conducted by Mrs Whitehouse and attended by friends made throughout his rich life.

She said: "I considered it a privilege to do so, even though it was extremely emotional.

"Sean was an amazing young man who lived his short life to the full.

"He was kind, loving and had a heart of gold.

"He travelled widely but was never happier than when he was at home with his two dogs.

"All of his family are immensely proud of the courage and strength he showed fighting such a cruel disease."

The Whitehouses set out on their trek up Snowdon in a bid to help others affected by cancer.

Mrs Whitehouse said: "It is something that touches so many people, whether they've got it, have cared for someone with it or lost someone.

"It is such a cruel disease and does not discriminate, no matter how old or young you are."

She added: "The hike was hard with a steep climb and descent but I didn't moan once, much to John's surprise.

"The event was organised brilliantly by Macmillan and we pledge to continue to support the charity with future events planned to raise funds, including coffee mornings and afternoon teas."