RESIDENTS across the Darlington borough are being urged to check and update personal information that appears on the electoral register or risk losing out on the opportunity to vote.

Darlington Borough Council have issued household enquiry forms in recent weeks to compile the electoral register with a large number of the documents already being returned to the authority.

However, some of the forms remain outstanding and the council has now requested that the papers are completed and returned as soon as possible.

Luke Swinhoe, electoral registration officer at Darlington Borough Council, said: “It’s important that residents respond as soon as possible, so we can make sure we have the right details on the electoral register for every address in the borough.

“To make sure you are able to have your say at any future elections, simply check the form when it arrives and respond as soon as you can.

“If you’re not currently registered, your name will not appear on the form.

“We also have visiting officers out and about, knocking on doors to chase up outstanding household enquiry forms – so, if you haven’t already responded, you may get a visit.”

Residents with questions or concerns over the form can contact the council’s electoral services team by calling 01325-406444.