HOUSING, social care and advocacy services will be on the agenda at an upcoming meeting.

Darlington Borough Council’s Adults and Housing Scrutiny Committee will meet on Tuesday, September 5.

Items set to be discussed by councillors include advocacy services, council housing and an on-going consultation into adult social care eligibility criteria.

The councillors will scrutinise a report updating the committee on the progress of the authority’s Adults Social Care Transformation Programme, which has been introduced in a bid to bring the council’s delivery of social care in line with the Care Act while also allowing them to make savings as outlined in the authority’s Medium Term Financial Plan.

The meeting will also see the committee advised of the range of advocacy services available in Darlington and updated on progress in respect of the authority’s Council Housing New Build programme.

Open to the public, it will take place in committee room 2 at the Town Hall from 10am on Tuesday, September 5.