TWO nurseries in Darlington have revealed plans to join forces in order to provide “a better future for all pupils”.

George Dent Nursery School, on Elms Road, and Borough Road Nursery School are to begin a consultation period which could result in the two nurseries operating under a singer leadership structure.

The nurseries confirmed that neither establishment is planning to close, and both sites will continue to operate as separate schools and will retain their own “identity, autonomy and individuality”.

The plans will involve a consultation process which will take up to six months to complete, involving parents, staff, the local community and other stakeholders.

In a joint statement from both nurseries, they explained the reasoning behind the move was due to the “dramatic changes” to recent government policy on the funding of early years education, coinciding with the introduction of the 30 hours of free child care – which will be introduced in September.

Heads of both nurseries said they have been working increasingly more with each other in recent years, however they now believe by bringing the already good relationship closer together they can “offset some of the funding challenges and continue to thrive and grow in the current financial climate”.

Neil Parker, executive head teacher at George Dent Nursery School, said he was “excited” about the federation of two of Darlington’s “most valued” nursery schools.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity for both schools,” he said.

“Our experienced and high-quality professional teaching staff will ensure the nursery schools continue to offer children an excellent level of early years education,” he added.

Julia Thompson, Borough Road Nursery School head teacher, added: “It is good to see two well-respected nursery schools working together, focusing on early years education, ensuring parents and carers of young children have easy access to such wonderful teachers and facilities”.

The agreement is set to come into place from November 1 if agreed.

Anyone who wants to submit their views on the plans is asked to email or

The deadline for comments is July 14.