FIRE crews have issued a warning after being called to a barbecue blaze at the weekend.

Although the barbecue was extinguished by the time crews arrived at South Park in Darlington, at 5pm on Saturday, other park-users had been concerned by the smoke.

The group of young males tending to the barbecue had been drinking, but were not drunk.

Dave Turnbull, from Durham and Darlington Fire Brigade, said: "We don't want to spoil anyone's fun - far from it.

"We can't stop people having barbecues, and we wouldn't want to, but there are a few steps we would like to make people aware of.

"Ideally, whoever is cooking shouldn't drink alcohol. Although that is difficult, concentration does drop when you've had a few."

Mr Turnbull also advised using fire-resistant gloves to dispose of barbecues properly, and not to use them in high-risk areas, such as forests.

A spokesman for Darlington Borough Council said there was no ban on barbecues in public spaces, but said they were discouraged.

He said: "Barbecues can cause damage and leave burn marks, if they are set up on benches or picnic tables, for example. During the dry weather there can also be a fire risk."