CAMPAIGNERS wanting a directly-elected mayor in Darlington have cast doubt on the public consultation process.

Residents in Darlington have been asked what type of mayor they want to be included in the referendum.

There are two options on offer both for an elected mayor, standing for four years, and supported by a cabinet of nine councillors or an unelected council manager.

People can register their choice by filling in a form in the Town Crier magazine, filling in leaflets available in council buildings, or through an online coupon.

But not all of the options need people to fill in their name and address. Town Crier magazines are also sent out to people outside the Darlington council area.

Clive Owen, from Darlington Referendum Group, said many people might not want to give their views if they had to supply their name and address.

Mr Owen added: "The council is not bound by this opinion.

"I think the council made it clear when they agreed to the voluntary referendum that they are mostly against it.

"What trust can you place on this?

"The council is doing this because of the general consensus, not because it wants to do."

A council spokesman said the consultation exercise was only the first part of a process before September's referendum.

The responses will be collected and a decision on what choice to put to the public vote will be made by the full council and sent to the Secretary of State.

The referendum will then take place on September 27.