AS RECENT correspondents have pointed out, the effective use of Priestgate and Crown Street as a town centre bus station, with large, polluting buses competing with pedestrians for space on the edge of the Pedestrian Heart, is both dangerous and environmentally harmful. We are told that the bus company insists on using these roads, rather than a purpose-built bus station.

Park-and-ride schemes are being considered in order to reduce the number of cars coming in to the town centre.

We support this, but would point out that there will be a resulting increase in the number of buses in town, adding yet more congestion to these blighted streets and further danger to pedestrians.

Time now, surely, for the council to take action.

The bus company should replace these large diesel buses with smaller, electric powered buses operating out of a purpose-built bus station, shuttling around the town centre, delivering shoppers to their destinations without ruining our town centre streets. - Brian Fiske, Darlington Liberal Democrats.


REGARDING the letter from the Harrowgate Hill BNP candidate John J Hoodless (HAS, May 23), I congratulate him for standing for a party with which he agrees. I would also like to say that, in my opinion, despite what he says, nobody should be running scared of the BNP.

I profoundly disagree with the BNP's views, but I take a dim view of organisations which exclude individuals because they belong to the BNP.

Would it be acceptable to expel an individual because they supported one of the more traditional parties?

Let the BNP members say their piece. Get them on TV.

I am anxious to hear what policies the party has other than throwing people out of the country. - David Griffiths, Darlington.


HAVING followed the fortune(s) and misfortunes of Darlington Football Club for more than 50 years, I am waiting to see how successful the present board and manager are going to be.

The argument against any success is stronger than any success at all. Only four post-war managers have tasted success: Morgan, Little, Platt and Hodgson. So, it doesn't look too good.

We have had too many false promises promoting Darlington as a Championship club when clearly the interest isn't there.

We'd be better off ground-sharing at the Railway Athletic ground - at least it will look full.

And we are still waiting for what the new chairman called "jaw-dropping signings". Perhaps Doncaster haven't released them! - S Gibbon, Darlington.


MAY I thank readers and their children for their generosity in donating football shirts for youngsters in South Africa.

It's heartening that the response has been so overwhelming and I'm sure that these gifts will be warmly appreciate when we arrive in Pretoria.

A special thanks to Jon Sotnick, chairman of Darlington FC, for his donation of two complete Darlington strips. - John Steel, School Development Officer, Children's Services, Town Hall, Darlington.