TWO schoolgirls have been given awards for their bravery after their quick-thinking prevented a building from catching fire.

A former Darlington mayor praised eight-year-old Hollie Bryant and seven-year-old Tiegan Hebdon for their speedy response to alert firefighters after they saw bushes on fire next to St George's Hall, near North Lodge Park, Darlington.

The girls ran to a nearby street for help and found former Darlington mayor Eleanor Lister canvassing for the recent local elections.

Coun Lister used her mobile phone to call the emergency services, and firefighters arrived to deal with the fire.

Coun Lister attended an assembly at Corporation Road Community Primary School, where the girls are taught, for a presentation of certificates to mark their efforts.

She said she had been impressed by the girls' quick-thinking and because they were sensible enough to approach two women.

She said the fire could have easily set the building alight, and people in the hall had been evacuated.

Coun Lister said: "They were brilliant. They were very sensible. I was very proud of them."

Hollie said they came across the fire when they were playing in the park after they visited a friend's house nearby.

She said: "We thought we should go and find the nearest person.

"There was no one in the park, so we went to our friend's house where we were playing at before we went to the park. Councillor Lister was knocking on the door."

She said they were alarmed when they saw the fire.

She said: "I had never seen a fire that big before. I was quite nervous.

"We just feel pleased with ourselves."

Tiegan said: "I was quite scared, but I am quite proud of what we did."

Headteacher Peter King, who presented the girls with their awards, said he had become aware of what the girls had done after Hollie's mother wrote him a letter.

He said: "It is not just about being brave, but thinking on your feet, doing the right thing and doing it quickly. I was really proud."