VOLUNTEERS are invited to take part in a litter pick in Darlington tomorrow (Wednesday, June 5).

The litter pick is being held to mark World Environment Day and a number of Darlington Police’s beat officers will also take part, as well as Darlington Borough Council Street Scene team members and members of the Greener Communities group.

Anybody who would like to take part is asked to meet at Matalan car park, in Neasham Road, Darlington, at 1.30pm.

COFFEE TIME: Haughton Green Methodist Church will hold their monthly coffee morning on Saturday, June 8 from 10am to 11am. There will be a number of stalls, including cakes and bring and buy. Admission is free and all are welcome.

PLANNING TALKS: The next meeting of Darlington Borough Council’s planning applications committee will take place tomorrow (Wednesday, June 5), at 1.30pm in the town hall.