DARLINGTON residents displayed great support throughout Marie Curie’s Daffodil Appeal in March, raising almost £8,000, the charity has confirmed. The appeal is a nationwide event, coordinated by local fundraising groups. The Darlington Fundraising Group held supermarket and street collections, and local businesses sold pin badges on behalf of the charity. Pat Irving, chairwoman of the Darlington Fundraising Group said: “We’d like to wholeheartedly thank the people of Darlington and surrounding areas for their tremendous support of the charity, both in volunteering throughout the month and giving so generously. Marie Curie depends on public support for the charity to continue offering palliative care to terminally ill people in their own homes; without this support Marie Curie nurses would not be able to offer this vital service at a time when patient comfort and final wishes are most important.” The group has a host of fundraising activities planned, including a tea part, from 11am to 3pm, at St Cuthbert’s Church Hall, on August 10. For more information, email darlingtonfundraisinggroup@hotmail.co.uk

COFFEE MORNING: Homemade cakes will be available at a coffee morning at the Friends’ Meeting House, in Skinnergate, Darlington, from 10.30am to 11.30am, on Thursday (June 6). Coffee and biscuits will be available. Admission costs 50p.

BUSY MAYOR: Darlington mayor Charles Johnson has no fewer than five engagements on Friday (June 7). He will meet guests from Darlington’s twin towns, before enjoying a tour of the Cummins factory and joining in with a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the town’s Covered Market. He will be present at the mayoress’ ‘at home’ event, in the Dolphin Centre, in the afternoon, before attending a civic dinner in the evening.