THE councillor responsible for the roll out of wheelie bins in Darlington has said the authority is well prepared to run the service and deal with any problems that may arise.

Councillor Nick Wallis said Darlington Borough Council had learned from other local authorities around the UK how to effectively operate the system and would work with residents to ensure those who need help with their bin receive it.

Coun Wallis said the authority had set aside £30,000 annually to repair or replace wheelie bins if they are damaged or stolen, amid concerns from some residents that the cost of the system could spiral.

Refuse collections using the new wheelie bins will begin on June 17 and most households in the town now have a bin.

Coun Wallis said: “We are one of the last local authorities to introduce wheelie bins, one of the seven per cent still using black bags.

“Like all authorities we have a small budget that will allow us to replace any bins that are lost or stolen – we know from the experiences of other authorities what percentage of bins that is likely to involve.

“Residents can be assured that the council has it in hand for this year and further years.”

The council has decided not to store extra wheelie bins and will order replacements from the UK manufacturer if the need arises.

Coun Wallis said the council had received a large number of queries from residents about storage and handling of wheelie bins and he urged people to contact the authority if they still had any concerns.

He added: “If there are residents who are realising they may struggle now they have received their bin, they can give the council a call and we will ensure that they receive assistance.

“I appreciate there are strong feelings on both sides about wheelie bins in favour or against but wheelie bins will mean a huge reduction in the amount of street litter caused by foxes and birds ripping into black bags. We know that will be a big impact.”

For help or information about wheelie bins, contact the council on 01325-0388777.