PLANS to create a small car park in front of a busy Darlington post office will be considered by councillors amid objections from nearby residents.

The Blackwell Post Office and Shop, on the corner of Carmel Road South and Blackwell, has applied to Darlington Borough Council to change the curtilage to the front of the shop from public highway to private land.

The owners hope to use the space to create a seven space parking area and to build improve disabled access to the store.

A report prepared for the council’s planning committee states that access into the car park would be via a one way system from Carmel Road South only with exit on to Blackwell only.

The car park would be enclosed along the Carmel Road South and Blackwell frontages by chain linked bollards, while the footpath would run along the edge of the car park and incorporate the access ramp. The application has sparked objections from people living near the post office and was brought before the planning committee by ward councillor Bob Donoghue, who is supporting the residents.

The objections from residents include the risk of extra traffic problems on Carmel Road caused by the car park, the potential for obstructed vision for people leaving their nearby driveways and concerns about the potential for anti-social behaviour.

Council planning officers have recommended councillors approve the application.

The report for members said: “The proposal has been the subject of an independent road safety audit and the recommendations of this audit exercise have been incorporated into the amended scheme. It is considered that the proposal would not raise any issues in relation to highway safety.

“The proposal would respect the amenity and character of the surrounding area and does not raise any crime prevention issues.”