A HAIR salon will donate all their takings for a day to a cancer charity in memory of one of the region’s much-loved singers.

From 10am to 3pm on Sunday, June 23, Be Premiere hair salon, in Blackwellgate, Darlington, will donate their day’s takings to Macmillan Nurses, in memory of the late Rose Bottomley, who died last year after a two-year battle with cancer.

Throughout her life, Mrs Bottomley was a popular musical figure in the Tees area, having formed the Mickleton and District Music and Drama Society - or Mad Mads - in the 1960s and then the Halcyon Singers in 2003 after she moved to Saltburn.

A CD of show songs by Rose and her daughter, which the pair recorded as part of Mrs Bottomley’s bucket list, will also be on sale during the fundraising day.

Her daughter, Kate Bottomley, said: "When she was diagnosed with cancer she decided to create a bucket list of things she wanted to do, and record a CD was one of them."