BADMINTON players might be checking out the route to Rio following a boost from Hartlepool power station.

Hummersknott Badminton Club, developed from a group that began playing in 1974 at Hummersknott school in Darlington, has been given a £1,500 boost.

The group approached EDF Energy, which runs Hartlepool power station, for a grant from its Sporting Legacy fund, set up post London Olympics to help local groups.

It’s hoped the money will help potential sporting stars of the future compete at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

Philip Boyle, Secretary and Team Manager of the club, said: “We have a vibrant club based at Hummersknott Academy, Darlington, and we have 40 plus members, including some with special educational needs who really enjoy the game.”

The club has members of all ages and recently introduced the game to some three and four year olds, whose parents have been playing for over 20 years with the teams. Members also represent the area in international badminton tournaments.

In July, the club is planning an ambitious 18-day tour for junior members to show the North-East’s badminton credentials in tournaments across Iceland and North America.