THE landlord of a pub whose licence will be reviewed at a meeting this week says efforts to reduce the number of violent incidents have been successful.

Darlington Borough Council’s licensing committee will discuss the Slaters Arms pub, in Bondgate, on Thursday (May 30).

Police asked for the licence to be reviewed on the grounds of crime and disorder prevention, in response to officers’ concerns over the number of incidents associated with the pub.

It has been at the centre of several instances of disorder in recent years, including an alleged glassing in July 2011 and a disturbance in April last year, which spilled out onto the street.

Robert Wilson, the pub’s current landlord, who has been in charge for the past two years, says he has complied with suggestions made by the council and police, such as joining the Pubwatch scheme and giving staff extra training.

He said: “We have worked to resolve any matters that have been brought to our attention.

“For the past six months, we have not had any real trouble and we are working to keep it that way."

A report to committee members states: “The police have serious concerns over the management of this venue.

“It attracts violent and disorderly clientele and despite serious incidents the staff at the premises do not regularly report matters to the police, even when the incidents are reported the attending officers face a lack of cooperation when they attend.

“Police fear that if action is not taken there will be a continuance of this behaviour and further serious injuries will be sustained by patrons or even passers-by as violence spills out on to the street.”

Mr Wilson rejected the report’s assertions over his clientele.

He said: “I would not want to run a pub that was like that. In the past, there have been outside influences that have come in and upset things, but we have a mixed group of regulars and it is not an unsavoury pub at all.”

Options available to the committee include changing conditions on the licence, suspending it for three months or removing it altogether.

Members could also decide that no action is necessary.

The committee meets at 9.30am on Thursday (May 30), at the Town Hall.