PATIENTS at West Park Hospital in Darlington have used their occupational therapy sessions to benefit a local dogs home.

Mandy Chester and Stephine Swainston started knitting colourful squares during their occupational therapy sessions and inspired other patients and staff to get involved, even in their spare time and after leaving hospital.

The squares were then sewn together to make five colourful blankets, which the group then donated to Dogs Trust in Sadberge.

Sherilee Walton, occupational therapy assistant, said: “Knitting the blankets has become a group project that’s proved hugely beneficial to our patients.

“As well as encouraging them to work together, it’s given them something new to focus on and they’ve found it very rewarding to see the end result.”

Ms Chester and Ms Swainston visited the Dogs Trust to hand over the blankets themselves, and Ms Chester, a former canine carer, said: “Working on the blankets is an opportunity to take my mind off everything else.

“It’s great to see so many people pitch in, and even better to meet the dogs that will benefit from our hard work.”

Ledean Lawson, of the Dogs Trust, said the charity was “very grateful” for the donation.

She added: “We have over 120 delighted dogs enjoying having snuggly beds to retire to whilst waiting for their ideal home to come along.

“It is an added bonus that the patients also benefited from the project.”