A PLANT sale and cream tea in aid of Darlington and District Samaritans will be held on Sunday, June 2, from 1pm to 4pm, in the garden of 76 Carmel Road South, Darlington DL3 8DR. The mayor Charles Johnson will arrive at 1.30pm. There will be cakes, refreshments, ice creams and a raffle, as well as a tombola and book stall.

FOLK CLUB: Musicians Tom McConville and Dave Newey will perform for members of Darlington Folk Club, at the Copper Beech, in Neasham Road, at 8pm on Thursday (May 23). Tickets cost £7.

CUMBRIA TRIP: The Darlington branch of the WEA has placed left on a trip to Holker Hall, in Cumbria, on Wednesday, June 5. Tickets cost £20 including transport, admission to the hall and morning coffee. To book, call 01325-281909.

GET ACTIVE: Age UK Darlington has limited places available on a six-week Pilates class that commences on Tuesday, June 4 and runs on subsequent Tuesday afternoons. The course is suitable for beginners and experienced participants and costs £20 per person. To book, call 01325-362832.