A RETIREE who fraudulently topped up his pension by £7,000 has been ordered to repay the money.

John Cawston, 63, of High Northgate, Darlington, knowingly mislead the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) by not declaring his private income when he applied for pension credits back in 2009.

Over the following three years he continued to claim credits totalling £7,050 before his fraud was uncovered in September last year.

Prosecutor John Garside told Darlington Magistrates’ Court today (Thursday, March 28) that Cawston was falsely claiming the money alongside other benefits he was entitled to such as housing and council tax.

He added: “He confirmed to the DWP that he committed the offence as he was in debt due to a failed business and marriage and wanted extra money to improve his overall financial situation.”

Cawston pleaded guilty to fraud by false representation and in court his solicitor Leanne Galbraith explained that he was now in poor physical health after being run over by a Transit van.

He was hospitalised for four months, suffered multiple fractures and needed his spleen removing and Miss Galbraith said that the van driver was being pursued through the courts.

“It is not for me to make assurances, but I would say it is highly unlikely that Mr Cawston will re-offend,” she added.

The court also heard that Mr Cawston had no previous convictions and had been frank about his act of fraud when interviewed by officials.

Miss Galbraith said: “He could have told further lies to minimise his actions, but he didn’t; he was full and frank.

“He didn’t say that he didn’t know how to fill the form out, or didn’t understand it, or any of the other excuses I’m sure you’ve heard before.”

She added that Cawston had enough money in savings to repay the amount he falsely claimed.

After standing the case down for a probation service report, magistrates imposed a compensation order that Cawston must repay the £7,050.24 within seven days.

He was also fined £400 and ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £40 victim surcharge.