A YOUNG man exploited by more a sophisticated drug dealer has been sentenced in court.

Daniel Tansey, 20, had previously pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply a Class B drug after officers acting on a tip-off found cannabis at his home on Corporation Road on March 9.

He appeared for sentencing at Darlington Magistrates’ Court today (Thursday, March 28) and Leanne Galbraith, mitigating, said Tansey had been working under the direction of a more serious criminal who made much more profit from the drugs.

“He has been led astray by someone looking to exploit someone younger who is naïve and not sophisticated,” she said.

After hearing from the probation service, magistrates handed Tansey a 16-week prison sentence, suspended for 18-months.

They also imposed an 18-month supervision order with 100 hours unpaid work and told Tansey to pay £85 court costs and an £80 victim surcharge.

He responded by thanking the magistrates for giving him the opportunity to turn his life around.