CHILDREN at a Darlington primary school have been getting to grips with nature with the help of two baby ducks.

Ducklings Jemima and Matilda hatched in a special incubator at Harrowgate Hill Primary School as part of a school project to teach children about the life of birds.

Pupils were able to watch the ducks hatch live via webcam and also watched them take their first swim in a Perspex box, so they could see their webbed feet in action.

The school also welcomed an expert from the RSPB, who gave the children a talk about the life and habitats of birds in the region ahead of a school trip to Drinkfield Marsh.

Teacher Gemma Sanderson said: “We’ve previously had a similar project with chicks, but this year we were given the opportunity to get some duck eggs, which we incubated.

“Duck eggs are harder to hatch than chicks, so we only had two who hatched. The children were able to watch them hatch and it has been really nice for the whole school to enjoy them together.”

Once the project has finished Matilda and Jemima will go home with a teacher, who has a large pond in her garden.