A PSYCHOLOGIST escaped a driving ban despite being found drunk behind the wheel of her car.

Darlington woman Christina Hall-Beasley, 43, was two-and-a-half times over the drink drive limit when police spotted her slumped at the wheel of her car with the keys in the ignition and the headlights on.

Hall-Beasley, of Coniscliffe Road, appeared at Darlington Magistrate’s Court today (Tuesday March 26) where she pleaded guilty to being in charge of a motor vehicle with an alcohol level above limit.

John Turner, mitigating, said she had been to a friend’s home for a party on Saturday, March 9 and had arranged to be picked up by her husband.

She claims she returned to her car to drop something off and had been trying to use the vehicle’s Bluetooth function, which required starting the ignition.

Mr Turner asked magistrates not to disqualify his client from driving.

He said: “There was a very low likelihood of her driving. My client is of exemplary character and is a qualified psychologist. She was trying to engage Bluetooth.

“She is a lady who does not shirk hard work and has a good work ethic. The effect on her of disqualification would be wholly disproportionate in its effect on her employment and her professional standing.”

Magistrates fined Hall-Beasley £400 and ordered her to pay costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £40. She also had her driving licence endorsed with ten penalty points.