A NORTH EAST MP took students from the region on a tour of Parliament last week.

On Budget Day (Wednesday March 20), Darlington MP Jenny Chapman showed 36 students from the town’s Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College around Westminster.

Their tour of Parliament included a question and answer session hosted by Ms Chapman.

Gary Hogg, the college’s head of politics, said: “It was a busy day and the students particularly enjoyed their question and answer session in one of Parliament’s committee rooms with Jenny.

“Questions were varied and included such topics as opportunities for women in politics, the use of the parliamentary whip, how the spending cuts have affected the North East and youth unemployment. We are grateful to Jenny and her staff for supporting the politics Department at QE and for being so generous with their time.”

While in London, the students – all studying A Level Politics – also visited attractions including the London Eye and the British Museum.

Student Daneille Murdock said: “It was an interesting and enjoyable day. Our MP Jenny is a role model for students of politics and we loved meeting her.”