A REUNION of former staff from the old Darlington Technical School, near North Lodge Park, will be held on Friday, April 19, at 7.30pm, at the Junior Unionist Club, in Commercial Street. The event has been organised as this year marks the 50th anniversary of the closure of the school. People attending are encouraged to take along any old photographs or memorabilia they wish to share. Efforts to organise a private tour of the former school have been unsuccessful. A contribution of £1 from all those attending will be collected to cover costs. Additional donations will be gratefully received.

PALACE NO-GO: An application by Hurworth Parish Council for council member Chris Pratt to attend one of the Queen’s garden parties this summer has been unsuccessful, a recent meeting of the council was told.

GOING GOLD: The 11th anniversary of Growing Older Living in Darlington (Gold) will be marked with a celebration at St Cuthbert’s Church Hall, on Monday (March 25), from 2pm to 4pm. Gold helps ensure people over the age of 50 have a voice in the town. There will be free refreshments, guest speakers and entertainment. To book, call Gold on 01325-388845 or email gold@darlington.gov.uk

FOSTER CARE: An event to encourage more people to become foster carers will be held at the Mercure Kings Hotel, in Priestgate, from 11am to 2pm, on Saturday (March 23). For more information, call Darlington Borough Council’s family placement service on 01325-388077 or email fostering@darlington.gov.uk

SCHOOL DONATION: The Darlington Circle of the Catenian Association has made a donation of £1,540 to 22 students of Carmel College. This money will be used towards the cost of a visit to Lourdes at the end of March in support of the Handicapped Childrens PilgrimageTrust, which aims to assist about 2,000 children with disabilities or special needs, mainly from the British Isles, in making a Pilgimage to Lourdes.

GET ON DOWN: Boogie Nights will be staged at Darlington Civic Theatre from April 8 to 13. The 70s musical stars former X-Factor contestant Andy Abrahams. Evening performances will start at 7.30pm, with matinees at 2pm on the Thursday and 2.30pm on the Saturday. Ticket prices range from £18 to £32.50. To book, call 01325-486555 or visit darlingtonarts.co.uk